Teddybjørnens historie

Bamser er elsket af både babyer, børn og teenagere. De er nuttede tøjdyr, der giver gode gaver og kan købes i alle butikker. Navnet “bamse” kommer fra præsident Theodore Roosevelts afvisning af at skyde en bjørn, mens han er på jagt i Mississippi. Da nyheder spredte sig, så en New York slikbutiksejer ved navn Morris […]

Why Invest in Real Estate?

It’s a competitive world out there. There are many investment options. So why should you invest in real estate? Well, real estate has some unique qualities that have made it one of the top investment strategies in the U.S. for hundreds of years. Its benefits include: You can get paid two times – instead of […]

The Continuum and Cardinal Arithmetic

The continuum hypothesis is one of the most important open problems in set theory. Its solvability has puzzled mathematicians for a long time, and it has become one of the central concerns in mathematical history. It is also a philosophical problem. In 1900, Hilbert placed it first on his list of open problems to be […]

MK Sales Bag UK

About MK Michael Kors is a household name synonymous with shoes, but did you know he also made an award winning bag? Fortunately for the connoisseur of fashion, you can get your hands on a high end MK bag from almost any department store in the UK or online at any time of the day. […]

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