When you are planning to open your hair salon don’t forget all of the right beauty salon equipment that you will need. Depending on how you want to set it up will determine exactly what you will need, but there are a few things that are commonly found in every shop.
Some of this equipment may be found in supply stores. There aren’t that many of these locations so not only will the inventory probably be limited, but you may not find exactly what you were looking for. Your best bet would be to go online and find someone who ships locally. A little research can find a good supplier.
Of course, you will have to have stations for all of the hair stylists. The exact number will be up to you and will depend on how you configure everything that has to be placed there. Go for the maximum number that you can comfortably fit in your space but be sure to leave enough room for your stylists to move around their work station and customer.
When ordering the chairs for the customers at each stylist’s station, you want to make sure that they swivel and that they are hydraulic to raise and lower the customer. You can get models that use a hand pump to manually lift the chair. But this will get old quickly for a stylist who is trying to make money and on her or his feet all day attending customers. Spring for the hydraulic version. After all, you want to keep your stylists working at your shop and happy enough to stay so spring for good beauty salon equipment.
Some type of receptionist’s desk is mandatory for people to check in and out. It needs to have ample space for a computer and room to hold and work the phone system. Make sure that it blends with the other pieces.
You will need to have booster seats for the children. It isn’t necessary to have one for every chair, but enough to accommodate if there is a group of kids that come in or someone with a large family. Again the number will depend upon the size of the beauty shop you are wanting to build.
In your list of beauty salon equipment you will also want to get a shampoo station. The shampoo station will also need a chair which will conform to a shampoo bowl, which you will need, and have the proper headrest and neck support. One further item on your list of beauty salon equipment might even be the proper chairs and table for a nail manicuring station. Tables Manucures