What Does an Employment Tribunal Representative Do?

An employment tribunal representative is someone who helps a claimant to make and defend their case. They help them with preparation, writing their submission and gathering evidence for the tribunal hearing. They also guide them through the process of putting their case to the panel, answering questions and calling witnesses. They can be a solicitor, a qualified advocate or someone who understands the law and has experience handling hearings and advocacy. In some cases claimants may choose to represent themselves, or be accompanied by a family member or friend. They may be able to receive legal aid to cover their cost of making the claim or for their representation at the tribunal hearing, depending on their financial circumstances.

A claimant can ask a family member, friend or a colleague to be their representative. Alternatively they can contact the Citizens Advice Bureau who will point them in the direction of suitable legal support.

DavidsonMorris can help individuals and organisations navigate the employment tribunal procedures. We can assist with the whole process from the early conciliation and Acas hearing stages through to the final decision and appeals. We are able to help with any issue raised and consider the commercial implications as well as the employee relations impact of the situation.

Ideally we can assist you in preventing a dispute from going to the employment tribunal and help you resolve issues within your organisation using internal grievance procedures or alternative means of resolution. We can also help you to prepare for a tribunal case, whether this is for a dismissal, discrimination or other disciplinary matter. employment tribunal representative

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