If you’re looking for a fun hobby that can yield gorgeous and wearable results, then you should consider giving paper quilling a try. This technique uses long strips of paper that are rolled and shaped to create unique designs. It’s a great way to make gifts for friends and family, and it can also be used to craft lovely frames for pictures and keepsakes.
Paper quilling is a hand-craft art that’s been around for centuries. People have been rolling silver and gold wires to create decorative filigree for years, but when those materials became expensive or difficult to work with, the use of colorful paper began to rise to prominence. The term quilling refers to the similarity of these coiled shapes to the look of goose quills, which were once used by nuns to decorate reliquaries and holy pictures.
Modern-day quilling artists generally use a variety of precut strips of colorful paper, including some that have a fine line of shiny silver or gold applied to one edge. This gives the finished piece a more authentic appearance. Some artists even choose to use graduated papers, which have a solid color that gradually fades to a lighter shade.
All you need to get started with these easy-to-follow projects is 1/8” quilling paper, a needle or slotted quilling tool (though a toothpick can be used in a pinch), and your choice of acid-free glue. With a little practice you’ll be making your own show-stopping jewelry in no time! Paper Quilling Jewelry