There’s no doubt that No Credit Check loans are among the higher cost loans out there. What makes them still so prominent and widespread? Isn’t the cost of the loan what makes them unattractive to people? Clearly, the market is proving since years that that’s not the case. While loans that people use to fulfil wants and aspirations (like car loans and home loans) are to a huge extent affected in demand by their cost, the same does not seem to stand so true for loans that serve people in urgent needs of funds for various reasons.
When in such a situation, options can be limited for a lot of people. Quick loans and borrowing from friends/family seem to be the available solution but not many wish to choose the latter and especially not after having done it once or twice before. Hence, quick loans are increasingly being the most preferred choice and as you read ahead, you shall see that a lot of people do not tend to have a strong credit history, making No Credit Check the only available quick loan option that can to an extent be relied upon.
Why do so many Individuals have Poor Credit Scores?
Roughly half of the millennials in the US do not have a healthy credit score. People outside of that group are a little better off but not by a huge number. What leads to this? Let’s take a look at the top reasons:
- Poor understanding of the credit system: Not knowing how to prioritize payments and not knowing when shutting down a credit account (eg. Credit card) can actually be harmful for the credit scores, is an easy way to lose out on your credit score.
- Using one credit card for everything: If you have and use just a single credit card for everything, use it to a high percentage of its limit and don’t repay it fully each month, there’s a significant hit that you’re causing to your credit score.
- Not checking and acting upon errors: The credit system is complex. Once a year, you can check your credit report free of cost and repercussions. It is important to do so and apply to correct any issues and errors you find. Errors are common and corrections are also often done when requests are legitimate.
- Not knowing what all gets featured on a credit report: Many do not know that even applying for a loan that gets rejected, hits the credit score. That’s just an example of many other things that make up the credit score.
Are No Credit Check Loans Faster?
Credit check is just like any step of the loan approval process – it takes time. When one step is skipped, time is saved. However, there are other things that need to compensate for what the credit check does. Being a short term loan, these are typically steps that do not take much time, hence No Credit Check loans still tend to be faster.
The other thing that makes these loans faster in general, is that they’re non-bank direct lender loans. Their processes seem to be simpler and quicker in general but this of course varies from lender to lender, and so does the speed and consistency of loans disbursement. landscaping business loans